Contribution of each member: |
STEFE SK, a.s.
(from: 10/02/2013 until: 09/05/2023) |
STEFE SK, a.s. Amount of investment: 2 346 415 EUR Paid up: 2 346 415 EUR
(from: 09/06/2023) |
M e s t o Rimavská Sobota Amount of investment: 1 653 585 EUR Paid up: 1 653 585 EUR
(from: 10/02/2013) |
M e s t o Rimavská Sobota, zast. primátorom mesta Ing. Pavlom Brndiarom poslancom MsZ Ing. Pavlom Korenekom poslancom MsZ Ing. Zoltánom Borošom Amount of investment: 210 000 Sk Paid up: 63 000 Sk
(from: 05/10/1993 until: 02/13/1996) |
Svetozár Müller Amount of investment: 30 000 Sk Paid up: 9 000 Sk
(from: 05/10/1993 until: 02/13/1996) |
Irena Pálkováčová Amount of investment: 30 000 Sk Paid up: 9 000 Sk
(from: 05/10/1993 until: 02/13/1996) |
Štefan Ľupták Amount of investment: 30 000 Sk Paid up: 9 000 Sk
(from: 05/10/1993 until: 02/13/1996) |
M e s t o Rimavská Sobota, zast. primátorom mesta Ing. Pavlom Brndiarom poslancom MsZ Ing. Pavlom Korenekom poslancom MsZ Ing. Zoltánom Borošom Amount of investment: 210 000 Sk Paid up: 210 000 Sk
(from: 02/14/1996 until: 04/14/1996) |
Svetozár Müller Amount of investment: 30 000 Sk Paid up: 30 000 Sk
(from: 02/14/1996 until: 04/14/1996) |
Irena Pálkováčová Amount of investment: 30 000 Sk Paid up: 30 000 Sk
(from: 02/14/1996 until: 04/14/1996) |
Štefan Ľupták Amount of investment: 30 000 Sk Paid up: 30 000 Sk
(from: 02/14/1996 until: 04/14/1996) |
M e s t o Rimavská Sobota, zast. primátorom mesta Ing. Pavlom Brndiarom poslancom MsZ Ing. Pavlom Korenekom poslancom MsZ Ing. Zoltánom Borošom Amount of investment: 100 000 Sk Paid up: 100 000 Sk
(from: 04/15/1996 until: 10/11/2000) |
Svetozár Müller Amount of investment: 20 000 Sk Paid up: 20 000 Sk
(from: 04/15/1996 until: 04/12/1999) |
Irena Pálkováčová Amount of investment: 20 000 Sk Paid up: 20 000 Sk
(from: 04/15/1996 until: 04/12/1999) |
Štefan Ľupták Amount of investment: 20 000 Sk Paid up: 20 000 Sk
(from: 04/15/1996 until: 04/12/1999) |
HEATCO, spol. s r.o., zast. konateľom Ing. Igorom Richterom Amount of investment: 140 000 Sk Paid up: 140 000 Sk
(from: 04/15/1996 until: 08/10/1997) |
HEATCO, spol. s r.o., zast. konateľom Ing. Igorom Richterom Amount of investment: 36 405 000 Sk Paid up: 36 405 000 Sk
(from: 08/11/1997 until: 10/11/2000) |
Svetozár Müller Amount of investment: 30 000 Sk Paid up: 30 000 Sk
(from: 04/13/1999 until: 11/29/2001) |
Irena Pálkováčová Amount of investment: 30 000 Sk Paid up: 30 000 Sk
(from: 04/13/1999 until: 11/29/2001) |
Štefan Ľupták Amount of investment: 30 000 Sk Paid up: 30 000 Sk
(from: 04/13/1999 until: 11/29/2001) |
M e s t o Rimavská Sobota Amount of investment: 100 000 Sk Paid up: 100 000 Sk
(from: 10/12/2000 until: 04/26/2001) |
HEATCO, spol. s r.o. Amount of investment: 36 405 000 Sk Paid up: 36 405 000 Sk
(from: 10/12/2000 until: 04/26/2001) |
M e s t o Rimavská Sobota Amount of investment: 95 678 000 Sk Paid up: 95 678 000 Sk
(from: 04/27/2001 until: 01/01/2004) |
STEFE SK, s.r.o. Amount of investment: 135 675 000 Sk Paid up: 135 675 000 Sk
(from: 04/27/2001 until: 06/10/2003) |
TEKO-R, spol. s r.o. Amount of investment: 90 000 Sk Paid up: 90 000 Sk
(from: 11/30/2001 until: 06/10/2003) |
STEFE SK, s.r.o. Amount of investment: 135 765 000 Sk Paid up: 135 765 000 Sk
(from: 06/11/2003 until: 01/01/2004) |
M e s t o Rimavská Sobota Amount of investment: 85 343 000 Sk Paid up: 85 343 000 Sk
(from: 01/02/2004 until: 11/16/2006) |
STEFE SK, s.r.o.
(from: 01/02/2004 until: 01/07/2005) |
STEFE SK, a.s. Amount of investment: 121 100 000 Sk Paid up: 121 100 000 Sk
(from: 01/08/2005 until: 11/16/2006) |
M e s t o Rimavská Sobota Amount of investment: 79 142 000 Sk Paid up: 79 142 000 Sk
(from: 11/17/2006 until: 05/06/2008) |
STEFE SK, a.s. Amount of investment: 112 301 000 Sk Paid up: 112 301 000 Sk
(from: 11/17/2006 until: 05/06/2008) |
M e s t o Rimavská Sobota Amount of investment: 70 874 000 Sk Paid up: 70 874 000 Sk
(from: 05/07/2008 until: 01/19/2009) |
STEFE SK, a.s. Amount of investment: 100 569 000 Sk Paid up: 100 569 000 Sk
(from: 05/07/2008 until: 01/19/2009) |
M e s t o Rimavská Sobota Amount of investment: 2 352 585,806281 EUR Paid up: 2 352 585,806281 EUR
(from: 01/20/2009 until: 06/15/2009) |
STEFE SK, a.s. Amount of investment: 3 338 279,227246 EUR Paid up: 3 338 279,227246 EUR
(from: 01/20/2009 until: 06/15/2009) |
M e s t o Rimavská Sobota Amount of investment: 2 352 642 EUR Paid up: 2 352 642 EUR
(from: 06/16/2009 until: 06/02/2010) |
STEFE SK, a.s. Amount of investment: 3 338 358 EUR Paid up: 3 338 358 EUR
(from: 06/16/2009 until: 06/02/2010) |
M e s t o Rimavská Sobota Amount of investment: 2 066 985 EUR Paid up: 2 066 985 EUR
(from: 06/03/2010 until: 10/01/2013) |
STEFE SK, a.s.
(from: 06/03/2010 until: 07/22/2010) |
STEFE SK, a.s. Amount of investment: 2 933 015 EUR Paid up: 2 933 015 EUR
(from: 07/23/2010 until: 10/01/2013) |