Contribution of each member: |
Gabriel Forgáč Amount of investment: 99 582 EUR ( peňažný vklad ) Paid up: 99 582 EUR
(from: 12/28/2022) |
SONEZ Slovenské opravovne, a.s. Amount of investment: 36 000 Sk Paid up: 18 000 Sk
(from: 11/28/1996 until: 08/18/1997) |
Vincent Györy Amount of investment: 42 000 Sk Paid up: 21 000 Sk
(from: 11/28/1996 until: 08/18/1997) |
Peter Györy Amount of investment: 42 000 Sk Paid up: 21 000 Sk
(from: 11/28/1996 until: 08/18/1997) |
Gabriel Forgáč Amount of investment: 50 000 Sk Paid up: 25 000 Sk
(from: 11/28/1996 until: 08/18/1997) |
Jaroslav Jančár Amount of investment: 30 000 Sk Paid up: 15 000 Sk
(from: 11/28/1996 until: 08/18/1997) |
SONEZ Slovenské opravovne, a.s. Amount of investment: 36 000 Sk Paid up: 36 000 Sk
(from: 08/19/1997 until: 09/01/1999) |
Vincent Györy Amount of investment: 42 000 Sk Paid up: 42 000 Sk
(from: 08/19/1997 until: 01/12/1998) |
Peter Györy Amount of investment: 42 000 Sk Paid up: 42 000 Sk
(from: 08/19/1997 until: 01/12/1998) |
Gabriel Forgáč Amount of investment: 50 000 Sk Paid up: 50 000 Sk
(from: 08/19/1997 until: 01/12/1998) |
Jaroslav Jančár Amount of investment: 30 000 Sk Paid up: 30 000 Sk
(from: 08/19/1997 until: 01/12/1998) |
Vincent Györy Amount of investment: 160 000 Sk Paid up: 160 000 Sk
(from: 01/13/1998 until: 08/30/2000) |
Peter Györy Amount of investment: 160 000 Sk Paid up: 160 000 Sk
(from: 01/13/1998 until: 08/30/2000) |
Gabriel Forgáč Amount of investment: 184 000 Sk Paid up: 184 000 Sk
(from: 01/13/1998 until: 08/30/2000) |
Jaroslav Jančár Amount of investment: 110 000 Sk Paid up: 110 000 Sk
(from: 01/13/1998 until: 08/30/2000) |
SONEZ Slovenské opravovne, a.s. Amount of investment: 136 000 Sk Paid up: 136 000 Sk
(from: 09/02/1999 until: 08/30/2000) |
Vincent Györy Amount of investment: 192 000 Sk Paid up: 192 000 Sk
(from: 08/31/2000 until: 04/01/2001) |
Peter Györy Amount of investment: 192 000 Sk Paid up: 192 000 Sk
(from: 08/31/2000 until: 04/01/2001) |
Gabriel Forgáč Amount of investment: 229 000 Sk Paid up: 229 000 Sk
(from: 08/31/2000 until: 04/01/2001) |
Jaroslav Jančár Amount of investment: 137 000 Sk Paid up: 137 000 Sk
(from: 08/31/2000 until: 04/01/2001) |
Gabriel Forgáč Amount of investment: 750 000 Sk Paid up: 750 000 Sk
(from: 04/02/2001 until: 05/04/2004) |
Gabriel Forgáč Amount of investment: 3 000 000 Sk Paid up: 3 000 000 Sk
(from: 05/05/2004 until: 03/04/2010) |
Gabriel Forgáč Amount of investment: 99 582 EUR Paid up: 99 582 EUR
(from: 03/05/2010 until: 12/27/2022) |