Collection of documents: |
Rozhodnutie jediného spolčoníka Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 05/30/2012) |
Prehlásenie - nový vklad Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 05/30/2012) |
Prehlásenie - rozs. splatenia vkladu Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 05/30/2012) |
Podpisový vzor Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 04/30/2012) |
Prehlásenie spoločníka Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 04/30/2012) |
Rozhodnutie jediného spoločníka Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 04/30/2012) |
SZ - úplné znenie Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 04/30/2012) |
zápisnica č. 5 z valného zhromaždenia Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 08/22/2006) |
spoločenská zmluva - úplné znenie Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 08/22/2006) |
osvedčenie o podpisovom vzore Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 08/22/2006) |
živnostenský list Type of document: Document confirming the authorization to conduct business |
(Delivered: 08/22/2006) |
Podpisový vzor Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 09/02/2003) |
Zápisnica č. 5 Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 09/02/2003) |
SZ Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 09/02/2003) |