Collection of documents: |
Uznesenie Okresného súdu Košice I sp. zn.: 31K/36/2015 Type of document: Court´s bankruptcy order, Court decision on authorization of the restructuring or settlement, Court decision amending or repealing aforementioned decisions and Court decision on replacement of a trustee |
(Delivered: 02/17/2023) |
Potvrdenie o vykonaní zápisu sp. zn.: 4/Vym/8/2023 Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 02/17/2023) |
Mimoriadna účtovná závierka za rok 2022 - Účtovná závierka - časť 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 01/21/2023) |
Mimoriadna účtovná závierka za rok 2022 - Účtovná závierka - časť 2 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 01/21/2023) |
1. Reštančná správa.asice Type of document: Court´s bankruptcy order, Court decision on authorization of the restructuring or settlement, Court decision amending or repealing aforementioned decisions and Court decision on replacement of a trustee |
(Delivered: 10/31/2022) |
Uznesenie OS KE I - 31K/36/2015 - 112 Type of document: Court´s bankruptcy order, Court decision on authorization of the restructuring or settlement, Court decision amending or repealing aforementioned decisions and Court decision on replacement of a trustee |
(Delivered: 06/24/2021) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2020 - Účtovná závierka - časť 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/10/2021) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2020 - Účtovná závierka - časť 2 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/10/2021) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2019 - Účtovná závierka - časť 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/03/2020) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2019 - Účtovná závierka - časť 2 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/03/2020) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2018 - Účtovná závierka - časť 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/25/2019) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2018 - Účtovná závierka - časť 2 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/25/2019) |
Účtovná závierka za obdobie 01/2016 - 12/2017 - Účtovná závierka - časť 2.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/27/2018) |
Účtovná závierka za obdobie 01/2016 - 12/2017 - Účtovná závierka - časť 1.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/27/2018) |
Schválená účtovná závierka za rok 2015 - Účtovná závierka.tiff Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 08/17/2016) |
Uznesenie OS KE I č. k. 33Cbr/46/2009-30 Type of document: Court decision on winding-up of the company with liquidation, Final Report done by Liquidator |
(Delivered: 04/15/2013) |
Notárska zápisnica z VZ - N 272/2009, Nz 34372/2009, NCRIs 34907/2009:Osvedčenie o priebehu valného zhromaždenia Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 10/05/2010) |
Podpipsový vzor konateľa: Eva Dušinská Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 10/05/2010) |
Účtovná závierka 2006, zápis VZ Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/14/2008) |
ú.z. 2005 - 1x Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 02/09/2007) |
Zápisnica z VZ Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 05/23/2006) |
Zápisnica z MVZ, Prezenčná listina Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 04/10/2006) |
Spoločenská zmluva Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 04/10/2006) |
Dodatok k SZ Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 04/10/2006) |
Zápisnica z VZ Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 03/22/2006) |
Vyhlásenie Type of document: Declaration made by trustee of an account |
(Delivered: 03/22/2006) |
ú.z. 2004 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 01/31/2006) |
Dodatok č. 1 Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 06/03/2004) |
Vyhlásenie o prevzatí záväzku na nový vklad Type of document: Declaration made by trustee of an account |
(Delivered: 01/28/2004) |
Podpisový vzor konateľa: Tibor Michalko Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 01/28/2004) |
Spoločenská zmluva Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 01/26/2004) |
ZP č. 94/2003 Type of document: Expert statement |
(Delivered: 12/29/2003) |
Zápisnica z MVZ Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 12/29/2003) |