Collection of documents: |
Potvrdenie o vykonaní zápisu
Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 06/29/2016) |
Uznesenie Okresného súdu Košice I – 31K/34/2012-267
Type of document: Court´s bankruptcy order, Court decision on authorization of the restructuring or settlement, Court decision amending or repealing aforementioned decisions and Court decision on replacement of a trustee |
(Delivered: 06/29/2016) |
Uznesenie Okresného súdu Košice I – 31K/34/2012-304
Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 06/29/2016) |
Uznesenie OS KE I č. k. 31K/34/2012-95 Type of document: Court´s bankruptcy order, Court decision on authorization of the restructuring or settlement, Court decision amending or repealing aforementioned decisions and Court decision on replacement of a trustee |
(Delivered: 04/25/2013) |
Zápisnica z VZ Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 12/21/2005) |
Vyhlásenie konateľa Type of document: Declaration made by trustee of an account |
(Delivered: 12/21/2005) |
Dodatok č. 1 Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 11/19/2004) |
Spoločenská zmluva Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 11/19/2004) |
Notárska zápisnica N 96/2003, Nz 48643/2003 zo dňa 17.6.2003 - 1x Type of document: Founding Document (Memorandum of Association/Founder´s Deed/ Founding Agreement/ Articles of Association/ Notary Statement related to the foundation /any other document regulating the foundation), full powers conferred for the purpose of concluding the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 07/04/2003) |
Podpisový vzor konateľa: Ing. Ján Zemianek - 1x Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 07/04/2003) |