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Documents of the company deposited in the collection of documents at the City Court Bratislava III
This list of documents of the company deposited in the collection of documents has only indicative character and is not applicable for legal acts!

Section:  Sa Insert No.:  2874/B-Zbl

Business name: 
Pivovar Stein a.s.
Registered seat: 
Blumentálska 19
Bratislava 816 13
Identification number (IČO): 
35 826 517
Legal form: 
Joint-stock company
Date of entry: 
Date of deletion: 
Collection of documents: 
Notárska zápisnica N 61/2008, 29.5.2008, Osvedčenie o rozhodnutí jediného akcionára
Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document
  (Delivered: 07/14/2008)
Notárska zápisnica N 85/2008, 14.7.2008, Osvedčenie o rozhodnutí jediného akcionára o zrušení spoločnosti
Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document
  (Delivered: 07/14/2008)
Návrh zmluvy o zlúčení zo dňa 29.5.2008 medzi ORCO Blumentálska a.s., so sídlom Poštová 1, Bratislava /nástupnícka spoločnosť/ a Pivovar Stein a.s., so sídlom Blumentálska 19, Bratislava /zanikajúca spolopčnosť/
Type of document: Merger agreement, Terms of division, Decision on a change of legal form
  (Delivered: 05/30/2008)
Type of document: Other document
  (Delivered: 05/30/2008)
Zápisnica zo zasadnutia predstavenstva spoločnosti zo dňa 08.02.2007
Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document
  (Delivered: 04/18/2007)
Zápisnica zo zasadnutia dozornej rady spoločnosti zo dňa 08.02.2007
Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document
  (Delivered: 04/18/2007)
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára zo dňa 07.02.2007
Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document
  (Delivered: 04/18/2007)
Podpisový vzor člena predstavenstva zo dňa 10.04.2007
Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates
  (Delivered: 04/18/2007)
Podpisový vzor predsedu predstavenstva - Steven Leonard Davis
Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates
  (Delivered: 04/18/2007)
Podpisový vzor - Ing. Aleš Votruba
Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates
  (Delivered: 04/18/2007)
Výročná správa za rok 2005
Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report)
  (Delivered: 12/04/2006)
Účtovná závierka za rok 2004
Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report)
  (Delivered: 08/15/2005)
Správa audítora za rok 2004
Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report)
  (Delivered: 08/15/2005)
Výročná správa za rok 2003
Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report)
  (Delivered: 07/15/2005)
Audítorská správa o overení účtovnej závierky za rok 2003
Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report)
  (Delivered: 07/15/2005)
Podpisový vzor podpredsedu predstavenstva - Ing. Dušan Pfeifer zo dňa 03.05.2004
Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates
  (Delivered: 05/14/2004)
Notárska zápisnica N 219/2004, Nz 37300/2004
Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document
  (Delivered: 05/11/2004)
Zápisnica z konania mimoriadneho zasadnutia predstavenstva zo dňa 30.4.2004
Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document
  (Delivered: 05/11/2004)
Zápis zo zasadnutia dozornej rady zo dňa 30.4.2004
Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document
  (Delivered: 05/11/2004)
Účtovná závierka za rok 2002
Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report)
  (Delivered: 04/28/2004)
Výročná správa za rok 2002
Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report)
  (Delivered: 04/28/2004)
Výročná správa za rok 2001
Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report)
  (Delivered: 01/16/2003)
Účtovná závierka k 31.12.2001
Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report)
  (Delivered: 12/20/2002)
Audítorská správa o overení riadnej účtovnej závierky k 31.12.2001
Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report)
  (Delivered: 12/20/2002)
Notárska zápisnica N 365/2002, NZ 271/2002
Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document
  (Delivered: 11/19/2002)
Znalecký posudok č. 106/2002
Type of document: Expert statement
  (Delivered: 11/19/2002)
Znalecký posudok č. 25/2002
Type of document: Expert statement
  (Delivered: 03/11/2002)
Podpisový vzor - Ing. Viera Janatová
Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates
  (Delivered: 03/11/2002)
Notárska zápisnica N 89/2002, NZ 86/2002, ktorá obsahuje dodatok č. 1 k stanovám a.s.
Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document
  (Delivered: 03/11/2002)
Date of updating data in databases:  02/06/2025

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