Collection of documents: |
Zápisnica z MVZ obalservis.asice Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 02/01/2022) |
Likvidačná správa obalservis.asice Type of document: Court decision on winding-up of the company with liquidation, Final Report done by Liquidator |
(Delivered: 02/01/2022) |
Zoznam majetku 1 obalservis.asice Type of document: List of assets |
(Delivered: 02/01/2022) |
Zoznam majetku 2 obalservis.asice Type of document: List of assets |
(Delivered: 02/01/2022) |
Schválená mimoriadna účtovná závierka za rok 2021 - Účtovná závierka - časť 2 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 01/21/2022) |
Schválená mimoriadna účtovná závierka za rok 2021 - Správa audítora 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 01/21/2022) |
Schválená mimoriadna účtovná závierka za rok 2021 - Účtovná závierka - časť 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 01/21/2022) |
Výročná správa za rok 2021 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 01/21/2022) |
Vyhlásenie Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 01/20/2022) |
Zoznam majetku spoločnosti Type of document: List of assets |
(Delivered: 01/11/2022) |
Zoznam majetku spoločnosti Type of document: List of assets |
(Delivered: 10/27/2021) |
Mimoriadna účtovná závierka za rok 2020 - Oznámenie o dátume schválenia 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 07/04/2021) |
Vyhlásenie k ÚZ 2020 Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 07/01/2021) |
Mimoriadna účtovná závierka za rok 2020 - Správa audítora 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/26/2021) |
Výročná správa za rok 2020 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/24/2021) |
Mimoriadna účtovná závierka za rok 2020 - Účtovná závierka - časť 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/24/2021) |
Mimoriadna účtovná závierka za rok 2020 - Účtovná závierka - časť 2 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/24/2021) |
Úplné znenie Spoločenskej zmluvy.asics Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 12/23/2020) |
Podpisový vzor likvidátora.asics Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 12/23/2020) |
Zápisnica z MVZ.asics Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 12/23/2020) |
potvrdenie o not. úschove .asics Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 12/23/2020) |
Plnomocenstvo Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 10/01/2020) |
Plnomocenstvo Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 10/01/2020) |
Zápisnica MVZ Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 10/01/2020) |
Zápisnica MVZ Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 10/01/2020) |
Spoločenská zmluva Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 10/01/2020) |
Zápisnica z VZ Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 07/29/2020) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2019 - Oznámenie o dátume schválenia 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 07/16/2020) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2019 - Účtovná závierka - časť 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 03/27/2020) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2019 - Účtovná závierka - časť 2 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 03/27/2020) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2019 - Správa audítora 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 03/27/2020) |
Výročná správa za rok 2019 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 03/27/2020) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2018 - Oznámenie o dátume schválenia 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 07/17/2019) |
Vyhlásenie o schválení Výročnej správy a Účtovnej závierky za rok 2018 Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 07/02/2019) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2018 - Účtovná závierka - časť 2 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/29/2019) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2018 - Účtovná závierka - časť 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/29/2019) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2018 - Správa audítora 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/29/2019) |
Výročná správa za rok 2018 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/28/2019) |
Zápisnica z MVZ Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 12/12/2018) |
Spoločenská zmluva Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 10/23/2018) |
Zápisnica z MVZ Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 10/23/2018) |
Osvedčenie o priebehu MVZ - N 1594/2018 Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 09/26/2018) |
Zápisnica z MVZ Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 09/26/2018) |
Znalecký posudok č. 1/2018 Type of document: Expert statement |
(Delivered: 09/26/2018) |
Znalecký posudok č.2/2018 Type of document: Expert statement |
(Delivered: 09/26/2018) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2017 - Oznámenie o dátume schválenia 1.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/22/2018) |
Vyhlásenie k ÚZ 2017 Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 06/21/2018) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2017 - Účtovná závierka - časť 1.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/08/2018) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2017 - Správa audítora 1.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/08/2018) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2017 - Účtovná závierka - časť 2.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/08/2018) |
Výročná správa za rok 2017.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/08/2018) |
Vyhlásenie k ÚZ 2016 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/21/2017) |
Schválená účtovná závierka za rok 2016 - Účtovná závierka - časť 1.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/17/2017) |
Schválená účtovná závierka za rok 2016 - Účtovná závierka - časť 2.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/17/2017) |
Schválená účtovná závierka za rok 2016 - Správa audítora 1.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/17/2017) |
Výročná správa za rok 2016.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/17/2017) |
Schválená účtovná závierka za rok 2014 - Účtovná závierka - časť 1.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/01/2017) |
Rozhodnutie jediného spoločníka Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 12/07/2016) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 08/10/2016) |
Vyhlásenie k ÚZ 2015 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 07/04/2016) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2015 - Oznámenie o dátume schválenia 1 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/14/2016) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2015 - Správa audítora 1.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 03/25/2016) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2015 - Účtovná závierka - časť 2 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 03/25/2016) |
Výročná správa za rok 2015.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 03/24/2016) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2015 - Účtovná závierka - časť 1.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 03/24/2016) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 02/17/2016) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 07/15/2015) |
Výročná správa za rok 2014.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 07/07/2015) |
Schválená účtovná závierka za rok 2014 - Účtovná závierka - časť 2 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 07/05/2015) |
Schválená účtovná závierka za rok 2014 - Správa audítora 1.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 07/03/2015) |
Vyhlásenie k ÚZ 2014 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/17/2015) |
Podpisový vzor - Ing. Jaroslav Mikláš Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 06/04/2015) |
Vzdanie sa funkcie - Ing. Vasiľ Mackaľ Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 06/04/2015) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára spoločnosti Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 06/04/2015) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára, PM Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 01/14/2015) |
Podpisový vzor člena predstavensvta - Ing. Filip Orator Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 01/14/2015) |
Vzdanie sa funkcie predsedu a člena predstavenstva - Ing. Miroslav Grela, MBA Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 01/14/2015) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2013 - Oznámenie o schválení.pdf Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 07/27/2014) |
Zápisnica o príprave, priebehu a výsledku volieb na Člena Dozornej rady z radov zamestnancov Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 07/09/2014) |
Vyhlásenie k ÚZ 2013 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/20/2014) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2013 - Správa audítora Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 05/22/2014) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2013 - Poznámky Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 05/22/2014) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2013 - Súvaha Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 05/22/2014) |
Účtovná závierka za rok 2013 - Výkaz ziskov a strát Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 05/22/2014) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 05/06/2014) |
Výročná správa za rok 2013 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/25/2014) |
Výročná správa 2012, rozhodnutie, vyhlásenie Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/06/2013) |
Znalecký posudok č. 20-4/2012 Type of document: Expert statement |
(Delivered: 11/30/2012) |
Notárska zápisnica č. N 824/2012, Nz 45367/2012, NCR1s 46175/2012 - Osvedčenie o rozhodnutí jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 11/30/2012) |
Úplné znenie Stanov Type of document: Founding Document (Memorandum of Association/Founder´s Deed/ Founding Agreement/ Articles of Association/ Notary Statement related to the foundation /any other document regulating the foundation), full powers conferred for the purpose of concluding the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 11/30/2012) |
Úplné znenie Stanov Type of document: Founding Document (Memorandum of Association/Founder´s Deed/ Founding Agreement/ Articles of Association/ Notary Statement related to the foundation /any other document regulating the foundation), full powers conferred for the purpose of concluding the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 07/04/2012) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 07/04/2012) |
Notárska zápisnica č. N 353/2012, Nz 22243/2012, NCR1s 22733/2012 - Osvedčenie o rozhodnutí jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 07/04/2012) |
Výročná správa 2011, vyhlásenie, rozhodnutie Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/20/2012) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 02/13/2012) |
Podpisový vzor predsedu a člena predstavenstva - Ing. Miroslav Grela Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 02/13/2012) |
Podpisový vzor člena predstavenstva - Ing. Peter Bílek Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 01/09/2012) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 01/09/2012) |
Podpisový vzor predsedu a člena predstavenstva - Ing. Marcel Palai Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 10/11/2011) |
Výročná správa 2010, rozhodnutie, vyhlásenie Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 07/13/2011) |
Úplné znenie Stanov Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 05/17/2011) |
Notárska zápisnica N 30/2011; Nz 12545/2011; NCRls 12918/2011 Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 05/17/2011) |
Plnomocenstvo Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 05/17/2011) |
Osvedčenie č. OŽP-C/2011/05126-2 Type of document: Document confirming the authorization to conduct business |
(Delivered: 05/17/2011) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 03/10/2011) |
rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 01/19/2011) |
notárska zápisnica N 79/2010, Nz 26402/2010, NCRls 26827/2010 Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 08/18/2010) |
úplné znenie stanov Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 08/18/2010) |
osvedčenie č. OŽP-C/2010/02756-7 Type of document: Document confirming the authorization to conduct business |
(Delivered: 08/18/2010) |
Výročná správa 2009 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/22/2010) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 04/16/2010) |
Vyhlásenie o rozhodnutí jediného akcionára - notárska zápisnica N 277/2008, Nz 50330/2008, NCRIs 49868/2008 Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 04/16/2010) |
Stanovy-úplné znenie Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 04/16/2010) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára zo dňa 11.7.2008 Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 02/17/2010) |
Rozhodnutia jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 02/17/2010) |
Rozhodnutie jedin. akcionára Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 02/17/2010) |
Výročná správa za r. 2007 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 02/17/2010) |
ŽL č. OŽP-C/2008/08683-5až9 Type of document: Document confirming the authorization to conduct business |
(Delivered: 02/17/2010) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 01/22/2010) |
Podpisový vzor - Ing. Vasiľ Mackaľ Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 01/22/2010) |
Vzdanie sa funkcie - Ing. Marek Vasil Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 01/22/2010) |
Rozhodnutie jediného spoločníka Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 08/28/2009) |
Výročná správa 2008+rozhodnutie+vyhlásenie Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/19/2009) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára spoločnosti - určenie predsedu predstavenstva Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 03/31/2008) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára spoločnosti Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 03/31/2008) |
Plnomocenstvo Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 03/31/2008) |
Plnomocenstvo zo dňa 10.05.2005 Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 03/25/2008) |
Plnomocenstvo zo dňa 21.12.2007 Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 03/25/2008) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 03/25/2008) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 10/29/2007) |
Výročná správa 2006 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 10/29/2007) |
Notárska zápisnica č. N 29/2007, Nz 7106/2007, NCRls 7181/2007 Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 09/20/2007) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 09/20/2007) |
Stanovy Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 09/20/2007) |
Živnostenský list č. OŽP-C/2007/00007-13/CR1 Type of document: Document confirming the authorization to conduct business |
(Delivered: 09/20/2007) |
Plná moc pre Mgr. E. Petráškovú, Mgr. M. Fedorčákovú, JUDr. Ž. Borščovú Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 04/18/2007) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 04/18/2007) |
Podpisový vzor – Ing. M. Vasil Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 04/18/2007) |
Vzdanie sa funkcie Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 04/18/2007) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 11/10/2006) |
Notárska zápisnica č. N 117/2006, Nz 29849/2006, NCRls 29798/2006 Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 11/10/2006) |
Stanovy Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 11/10/2006) |
Plná moc pre Mgr. M. Fedorčákovú Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 11/10/2006) |
ZP č. 24/2006 Type of document: Expert statement |
(Delivered: 11/10/2006) |
ZP č. 16/2006 Type of document: Expert statement |
(Delivered: 11/10/2006) |
Vyhlásenie spoločnosti Type of document: Declaration made by trustee of an account |
(Delivered: 11/10/2006) |
Živnostenský list č. OŽP-C/2006/07305-4/CR1 Type of document: Document confirming the authorization to conduct business |
(Delivered: 10/12/2006) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 10/12/2006) |
Notárska zápisnica č. N 82/2006, Nz 22440/2006, NCRls 22364/2006 Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 10/12/2006) |
Stanovy Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 10/12/2006) |
Výročná správa 2005 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 10/12/2006) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 06/05/2006) |
Podpisový vzor: Ing. Vasiľ Mackaľ Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 06/05/2006) |
Notárska zápisnica č. N 584/2004, Nz 94513/2004 Type of document: Merger agreement, Terms of division, Decision on a change of legal form |
(Delivered: 03/20/2006) |
Stanovy a.s. zo dňa 27.12.2004 Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 03/20/2006) |
Notárska zápisnica N582/2004, Nz 94510/2004 Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 03/20/2006) |
Notárska zápisnica č. N 583/2004, Nz 94511/2004 Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 03/20/2006) |
Zápisnica z volieb člena DR Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 10/21/2005) |
Rozhodnutie jedin. akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 09/08/2005) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 09/08/2005) |
Notárska zápisnica č. N 207/2005, Nz 27663/2005, NCRls 27312/2005 Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 09/08/2005) |
Stanovy a.s. zo dňa 10.5.2005 Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 09/08/2005) |
Stanovy a.s. zo dňa 17.6.2005 Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 09/08/2005) |
Plná moc pre Ing. S. Baricu, PhD. Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 09/08/2005) |
Znalecký posudok č. 14/2005 Type of document: Expert statement |
(Delivered: 09/08/2005) |
Vyhlásenie o vklade vlastníckeho práva nehnuteľnosti Type of document: Declaration made by trustee of an account |
(Delivered: 09/08/2005) |
Vyhlásenie spoločnosti zo dňa 17.6.2005 Type of document: Declaration made by trustee of an account |
(Delivered: 09/08/2005) |
Živnostenský list č. Žo-2005/02359/4/FEK Type of document: Document confirming the authorization to conduct business |
(Delivered: 09/08/2005) |
Plnomocenstvo pre Mgr.Fedorčákovú Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 06/10/2005) |
Plnomocenstvo zo dňa 10.5.2005 - 1x Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 06/10/2005) |
Rozhodnutie jediného spoločníka zo dňa 10.5.2005 - 1x Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 06/10/2005) |
Notárska zápisnica N 167/2005 zo dňa 10.5.2005 - 1x Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 06/10/2005) |
Výročná správa 2004,účtovná závierka Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/10/2005) |
Návrh zmluvy o zlúčení Type of document: Merger agreement, Terms of division, Decision on a change of legal form |
(Delivered: 10/26/2004) |
Notárska zápisnica č. N 316/2004, Nz 55863/2004 Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 07/01/2004) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 06/30/2004) |
Rozhodnutie jediného akcionára zo dňa 10.3.2004 - 1x Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 04/07/2004) |
Audítorská správa 2003 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 02/20/2004) |
Účtovná závierka a aud. správa 2002 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 09/17/2003) |
Konsolid. účt. závierka a aud. správa 2002 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 09/17/2003) |
Notárska zápisnica N 164/2003, Nz 24629/2003 - 1x Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended |
(Delivered: 05/05/2003) |
Zmluva o predaji časti podniku - 2x Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 11/07/2002) |
ZP č. 300-34/2002 Type of document: Expert statement |
(Delivered: 11/07/2002) |
Rozhodnutie mimoriadneho VZ - 1x Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document |
(Delivered: 11/06/2002) |
Zvolenie za člena dozornej rady: Ing. Peter Benedikt - 1x Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 11/06/2002) |
Audtíroská správa 2001 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 05/03/2002) |
Audítorská správa 2001 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 05/03/2002) |
Audítorská správa kons. účt. závierky 2001 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 05/03/2002) |
Audítorská správa konsolid. účt. závierky 1999 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 08/16/2001) |
Audítorská správa kons. účt. závierky 2000 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 08/16/2001) |
Audítorská správa 2000 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 06/15/2001) |
Audítorská správa 1999 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 07/06/2000) |
Ročná účtovná závierka 1995 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/12/1996) |
Ročná účtovná závierka 1994 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 02/26/1996) |
Výzva 1996 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 02/21/1996) |