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Documents of the company deposited in the collection of documents at the District Court Trenčín
This list of documents of the company deposited in the collection of documents has only indicative character and is not applicable for legal acts!

Section:  Sro Insert No.:  12625/R-Zbl

This list of documents of the company was ceded by reason of local incompetence!

Business name: 
Andrea´s fashion, spol. s r.o.
Registered seat: 
Obchodná 43-49
Bratislava 811 06
Identification number (IČO): 
36 318 078
Legal form: 
Private limited liability company
Date of entry: 
Collection of documents: 
Súvaha a Výkaz ziskov a strát k 31.12.2002
Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report)
  (Delivered: 01/13/2004)
Zápis z rokovania val. zhromaždenia, Prez. listina
Type of document: Document representing the amendment to the Founding Document
  (Delivered: 02/10/2003)
Dodatok č. 2
Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended
  (Delivered: 01/03/2003)
Podpis. vzor konateľky
Type of document: Other document
  (Delivered: 01/03/2003)
Dodatok č. 1
Type of document: Full wording of the Founding Document as amended
  (Delivered: 05/29/2002)
Date of updating data in databases:  12/03/2024

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