Collection of documents: |
Účtovná závierka k 30.5.2008 , zápisnica Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 09/05/2008) |
Mimoriadna účt. záv. k 9.12.2007 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 08/15/2008) |
Súvaha k 9.12.2007 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 08/15/2008) |
Mimoriadna účt. závierka k 30.5.2008 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 08/15/2008) |
Konečná správa o priebehu likvidácie Type of document: Court decision on winding-up of the company with liquidation, Final Report done by Liquidator |
(Delivered: 08/15/2008) |
Zápisnica z VZ Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 08/15/2008) |
Zápisnica z VZ Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 08/15/2008) |
Účtovná závierka r.2007 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 02/08/2008) |
Podpisový vzor likvidátora MUDr.Petra Katinu Type of document: Document confirming the appointment/termination of the function, Signature templates |
(Delivered: 12/13/2007) |
Zápisnica z VZ, PL Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 12/13/2007) |
Zápisnica z VZ Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 04/17/2007) |
Účtovná závierka za r. 2006 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 04/17/2007) |
Účtovná závierka za r. 2005 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 03/20/2006) |
Zápisnica z VZ Type of document: Other document |
(Delivered: 03/20/2006) |
Súvaha, výkaz ziskov a strát, poznámky k účtovnej závierke za r .2004 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 03/22/2005) |
Súvaha, výkaz ziskov a strát, poznámky k účtovnej závierke za r. 2003, zápisnica z VZ Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 03/23/2004) |
Súvaha, výkaz ziskov a strát za r.2002 Type of document: Documents on financial results (accounting statement, annual report, auditor´s report) |
(Delivered: 05/12/2003) |